My current phone has been loyal to me for many years (well, 1 and a half) and had politely sat in the background, never really being excessively used until recently. It’s also had amazing battery life (roughly 72 hours :O) and provided me with a good communication link to my parents and/or friends. That is until now. The gorgeous piece of black aluminum is now way past it’s use-by date and the middle button is horrifically irritating to use, so to be the direction keys AND it doesn’t seem to take phone-calls either (but did it ever do that?). And so the search begins for a new phone, however, this time, I plan to make it different.
In fact, I’ve already found the exact phone I want, so no more wondering around the Car-phone Warehouse randomly staring at ugly contraptions and chunks of metal and brick, before finding one which is slightly like-able and taking that one home. Kind of like walking into a pound for mobiles, but having to shell out extortionate amounts of dough for one. Then not to mention the palaver with the networks;
“Which network would you like that on sir?”
-”Err, I don’t know, which is cheapest?”
”Well you can have it for 89.95 on Orange and pick the retarded chimpanzee pack which comes with 7 million free minutes and 12 and a half texts plus free 17H internet connectivity and a free upgrade in 2 days.”
-”Err, but I want this phone?”
”Ok, how about T-Mobile then? You get the phone for 70 and a new sim card, that’s it.”
-”Sure, let’s get that one, nice and simple.”
”OK, and that requires a minimum top-up of £3,000.”

The most irritating thing about this entire charade being that these people make money because other people are stupid enough to listen to them. There are 40-something year old builders out there with iPhones which they spend £50 a month on without realising, and teenagers sending thousands of pounds worth of texts in a matter of weeks. Which is why I suggest all mobile phone salesmen/women should all be locked in a big cage and paraded through the streets, like some sort of modern-day lunatic cart and if you’re stupid enough to want to talk to one, you have to climb in there too, whilst us sane beings are free to purchase from Japanese robots with kind-manners and a general understanding of how someone pays for something (cash, card etc.) with no extra monthly costs, no text plans or line rental and a straight-forward and easy mobile buying experience. And while we're at it, might as well throw in a hypnotic 70's style musical score too, turn it into a trippy sci-fi movie.
In the end, I am only usually forking out between £40 and £100, so it’s not exactly a massive purchase, but it is something I plan on using for a serious amount of time, so I want to get it right and not spend the next year or 2 moaning about the crummy battery life, blurry camera or disappearing credit. Simplicity doesn't exist. What... it does? No, seriously, think about it. Hard. Harder. ...
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