Monday 7 February 2011

One Brain-Fart of a Poem

So I was sitting in Business Studies at school today, as you do, in the middle of a controlled assessment. To those unaware, it's a silent work thing, which I had finished. I sat and stared absent-mindfully at the nearest wall when I suddenly had a brain-fart and scrawled the following on the nearest piece of paper I could find. It's far from perfect or even finished but who knows, maybe one day I'll be famous and you can all say "Hey, I remember reading that when it was first on his blog!". No one will EVER say that, but it's a nice idea. 

He lived as many but died as one, 
Under the fist of a social bomb. 
Crawling and cawing with hideous life, 
Beneath the circuits of his android wife. 
A borg sent forward yet backwards for love, 
Not a force from below but a force from above. 
Garnished with beauty but devoid of emotion, 
It exists without sadness in a forgotten notion. 
Outside, in the distance the conversation collapses, 
A bothered brain implodes as time elapses. 
If not for the minds of the tortured living, 
Live not be the evil of gross unforgiving. 
May joy be as fragrant as life in a day, 
For the waiting soul of the Head doth pray.